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Zeiger L, Ford C, Millett L, Meniel V, Najumudeen AK, et al.,

The amino acid transporter SLC7A5 drives progression of PI3K-mutant intestinal cancer models and enhances response to MAPK-targeted therapy

Preprint, under review,


Lilja J, Kaivola J, Conway JRW, Vuorio J, Parkkola H, Roivas P, Varila T, Jacquemet G, Peuhu E, Wang E, Pentikäinen U, Posada IMD, Hamidi H, Najumudeen AK, Sansom OJ, Barsukov IL, Abankwa D, Vattulainen I, Salmi M, and Ivaska J.

SHANK3 depletion leads to ERK signalling overdose and cell death in KRAS-mutant cancers

Nature Communications, 2024


Malla SB, Byrne RM, Lafarge M, Corry SM, Fisher NC, Tsantoulis P, Campbell AD, Lannagan TR, Najumudeen AK, Gilroy K, Amirkhah R, Maguire M, Mulholland E, Belnoue-Davis HL, Grassi E, Viviani M, Rogan E, Redmond K, Sakhnevych S, McCooey A, Bull C, Miller C, Bertotti A, Trusolino L, Loughrey M, Kerr E, Tejpar S, Maughan T, Lawler M, Leedham SJ, Koelzer VH, Sansom OJ, Dunne PD

Pathway level subtyping identifies a slow-cycling biological phenotype associated with poor clinical outcomes in colorectal cancer

Nature Genetics, 2024 


Najumudeen AK*, Fey SK, Millett LM, Ford C, Gilroy K, Gunduz N, Ridgway RA, Anderson E. Strathdee D, Clark W, et al. 

KRAS allelic imbalance drives tumour initiation yet suppresses metastasis in colorectal cancer in vivo

Nature Communications, 2024 (*corresponding author)


Fey SK, Najumudeen AK*, Ford C, Gilroy K, Upstill-Goddard R, Chang, DK, Clark W, Nixon C, Barry ST, Morton JP, et al.

KRAS loss of heterozygosity promotes MAPK-dependent pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and induces therapeutic sensitivity

BioRxiv, 2023, 2023.08.29.552598. 10.1101/2023.08.29.552598 (*corresponding author).


Manoharan GB, Guzmán C, Najumudeen AK, Abankwa D

Detection of Ras nanoclustering-dependent homo-FRET using fluorescence anisotropy measurements

European Journal of Cell Biology, 151314


Voorde JV, Najumudeen AK, Steven RT, Nikula CJ, Dexter A, Zeiger LB, Elia EA, Nasif A, Gonzalez-Fernandez A, Murta T, Gillespie M, Ford CA, Lannagan TRM, Vlahov N, Ridgway RA, Nixon C, Gilroy K, Gay DM, Burton A, et al., Sansom, OJ

Metabolic profiling stratifies colorectal cancer and reveals adenosylhomocysteinase as a therapeutic target

Nature Metabolism, 2023


Vasquez EG, Nasreddin N, Valbuena GN, Mulholland EJ, Belnoue-Davis HL, Eggington HR, Schenck RO, Wouters VM, Wirapati P, Gilroy K, Lannagan TRM, Flanagan DJ, Najumudeen AK, Omwenga S, McCorry AMB, Easton A, Koelzer VH, East JE, Morton D, Trusolino L, Maughan T, Campbell AD, Loughrey MB, Dunne PD, Tsantoulis P, Huels DJ, Tejpar S, Sansom OJ, Leedham SJ.

Dynamic and adaptive cancer stem cell population admixture in colorectal neoplasia

Cell Stem Cell, 2022

Holt AK, Najumudeen AK, Hoskin J, Legge DN, Mortensson E, Flanagan DJ, Jones N, Kollareddy M, Collard TJ, Timms P, Sansom OJ, Williams AC, and Vincent EE.

Aspirin Reprogrammes Colorectal Cancer Cell Metabolism and Sensitises to Glutaminase Inhibition

bioRxiv, 2022, 2022.08.24.505115. doi:10.1101/2022.08.24.505115.​


Kiourtis C, Terradas-Terradas M, Gee LM, Hsieh YC, Nixon C, Clark C, Shaw R, Hanson PS, Sumpton D, Mackay G, May S, Müller M, Najumudeen AK, Campbell A, Barry ST, Morris CM, LeBeau FE, Sansom OJ, Kirschner K, Oakley F, Bird TG.

Inter-organ transmission of hepatocellular senescence induces multi-organ dysfunction through the TGF-β signalling pathway.

bioRxiv 1–28 (2021). doi:10.21203/RS.3.RS-1133747/V1.


Najumudeen AK, Ceteci F, Fey SK, Hamm G, Steven RT, Hall H, Nikula CJ, Dexter A, Murta T, Race AM, Sumpton D, Vlahov N, Gay DM, Knight JRP, Jackstadt R, Leach JDG, Ridgway RA, Johnson ER, Nixon C, Hedley A, Gilroy K, Clark W, Malla SB, Dunne PD, Rodriguez-Blanco G, Critchlow SE, Mrowinska A, Malviya G, Solovyev D, Brown G, Lewis DY, Mackay GM, Strathdee D, Tardito S, Gottlieb E; CRUK Rosetta Grand Challenge Consortium, Takats Z, Barry ST, Goodwin RJA, Bunch J, Bushell M, Campbell AD, Sansom OJ.

The amino acid transporter SLC7A5 is required for efficient growth of KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer

Nature Genetics January 1, 2021

Flanagan DJ, Pentinmikko N, Luopajärvi K, Willis NJ, Gilroy K, Raven AP, Mcgarry L, Englund JI, Webb AT, Scharaw S, Nasreddin N, Hodder MC, Ridgway RA, Minnee E, Sphyris N, Gilchrist E, Najumudeen AK, Romagnolo B, Perret C, Williams AC, Clevers H, Nummela P, Lähde M, Alitalo K, Hietakangas V, Hedley A, Clark W, Nixon C, Kirschner K, Jones EY, Ristimäki A, Leedham SJ, Fish PV, Vincent JP, Katajisto P, Sansom OJ.

NOTUM from Apc-mutant cells biases clonal competition to initiate cancer

Nature May 6, 2021

Knight JRP, Alexandrou C, Skalka GL, Vlahov N, Pennel K, Officer L, Teodosio A, Kanellos G, Gay DM, May-Wilson S, Smith EM, Najumudeen AK, Gilroy K, Ridgway RA, Flanagan DJ, Smith RCL, McDonald L, MacKay C, Cheasty A, McArthur K, Stanway E, Leach JD, Jackstadt R, Waldron JA, Campbell AD, Vlachogiannis G, Valeri N, Haigis KM, Sonenberg N, Proud CG, Jones NP, Swarbrick ME, McKinnon HJ, Faller WJ, Le Quesne J, Edwards J, Willis AE, Bushell M, Sansom OJ.

MNK inhibition sensitizes KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer to mTORC1 inhibition by reducing eIF4E phosphorylation and c-MYC expression

Cancer Discovery January 5, 2021

Pickering KA, Gilroy K, Cassidy JW, Fey SK, Najumudeen AK, Zeiger LB, Vincent DF, Gay DM, Johansson J, Fordham RP, Miller B, Clark W, Hedley A, Unal EB, Kiel C, McGhee E, Machesky LM, Nixon C, Johnsson AE, Bain M, Strathdee D, van Hoof SR, Medema JP, Anderson KI, Brachmann SM, Stucke VM, Malliri A, Drysdale M, Turner M, Serrano L, Myant K, Campbell AD, Sansom OJ.

A RAC-GEF network critical for early intestinal tumourigenesis

Nature Communications January 14, 2021

Leach JDG, Vlahov N, Tsantoulis P, Ridgway RA, Flanagan DJ, Gilroy K, Sphyris N, Vázquez EG, Vincent DF, Faller WJ, Hodder MC, Raven A, Fey S, Najumudeen AK, Strathdee D, Nixon C, Hughes M, Clark W, Shaw R; S:CORT consortium, van Hooff SR, Huels DJ, Medema JP, Barry ST, Frame MC, Unciti-Broceta A, Leedham SJ, Inman GJ, Jackstadt R, Thompson BJ, Campbell AD, Tejpar S, Sansom OJ.

Oncogenic BRAF, unrestrained by TGFβ-receptor signalling, drives right-sided colonic tumorigenesis

Nature Communications August 6, 2021

Sharbeen G, McCarroll JA, Akerman A, Kopecky C, Youkhana J, Kokkinos J, Holst J, Boyer C, Erkan M, Goldstein D, Timpson P, Cox TR, Pereira BA, Chitty JL, Fey SK, Najumudeen AK, Campbell AD, Sansom OJ, Ignacio RMC, Naim S, Liu J, Russia N, Lee J, Chou A, Johns A, Gill AJ, Gonzales-Aloy E, Gebski V, Guan YF, Pajic M, Turner N, Apte MV, Davis TP, Morton JP, Haghighi KS, Kasparian J, McLean BJ, Setargew YF, Phillips PA; Australian Pancreatic Cancer Genome Initiative.

Cancer-associated fibroblasts in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma determine response to SLC7A11 inhibition

Cancer Research January 1, 2021

Najumudeen AK, Köhnke M, Solman M, Alexandrov K, Abankwa D.

Cellular FRET-Biosensors to detect Membrane Targeting Inhibitors of N-Myristoylated Proteins

Plos ONE, 8(6): e66425.


Najumudeen AK, Jaiswal A, Lectez B, Oetken-Lindholm C, Guzmán C, Siljamäki E, Posada IM, Lacey E, Aittokallio T, Abankwa D.
Cancer stem cell drugs target K-ras signaling in a stemness context.

Oncogene March 14, 2016


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